5 Minutes with: Barista James #4RealFriday

Each week I'll feature a badass barista and get them to take on two (fun) challenges:

1. The SELFIE CHALLENGE, where they must take a selfie with something they LOVE or love doing, that has nothing to do with coffee!

2. They must try to answer my questions in 5 minutes. 

Name: James Wise
Title: Founder
Place of Work: Silkies London, E27EY
Nationality: British

5 Minutes starts NOW 

Coffee, Hot or Cold: Hot  
Coffee, Black or White? Brown
What you love about coffee: The complexity of it, when you think you have a decent understanding you can just dive deep down the rabbit hole. 
Coffee you are using at the cafe: Assembly Roast & Volcano
Croissant: Chocolate, Almond or plain: Almond
Run or Ride: Ride.
Ocean or pool: TheOcean, unless seaweed is involved. 
Surf or skate: Skate.
Dog or Cat:  Dog
Karma or Coke: Karma fo sho
Hot Chips or Crisps? Sweet Potato Fries
Beer or Bubbles: Beer has bubbles, so technically both? 
Be baked, Be baked for, Be the baker: Be Baked, depending on what ya got.
Dream Home: Canada, up in the mountains.
2 Superpowers you'd choose: (invisibility, superhuman strength, healing powers, telepathy, omnilinguism(understanding any form of language), precognition, mind control, flying, immortality):
Healing powers and flight.
Person who has most influenced your life? 
Nick Mabey taught me everything I know about coffee and helped kick start my career within the coffee industry, dude has done a lot for me. 
Sum yourself up in 25 words or less: I'm that friend that thinks he's the funny one but in reality is the weird, socially awkward one. Sometimes described as a "good cunt". 
Dream Goal/Job in two sentences: Living the dream, maybe throw a gallery and tattoo studio into the mix.
What you love right now: My other half
If you could solve a world problem: Lack of manners, thank you for asking. 
Two favourite things about what you do for a living: The variation coffee has, every step that bean makes from planting at origin to ending up in my cup imparts something different, that's cool and it's pretty sweet that it allows me to connect with people from different walks of life, from all over the world while still having something to chat about. 


Thanks mate! #DoWhatYouLove   TGITC xx