Ep 3. Kim Ngo from Food and Lycra
Episode 3: Kim Ngo from Food and Lycra
“Movement is not a punishment, it is an act of self love - training for your mind, balance for your body.”
In this episode we talk about how the pressures of city work life and how being negatively body conscious was taking a toll on her health and well-being. Kim talks about how fitness and exercise was initially a major struggle! But it saved her from unhappiness and ultimately taught her the power of self-love over self-hate in sustaining motivation and achieving success.
Kim shows through her story, how important it is to know what your life philosophy is, in order for your business and personal life to succeed, grow and truly feel fulfilling. She shares some practical ideas on what she did to prepare for her shift from a job as a chartered accountant to a master trainer at 1Rebel and a nike trainer, whilst co-founding increasingly popular platform Food & Lycra.
With a Vietnamese cultural background, we relate how filial piety can add to the pressures of an “unconventional” career and of course we talk about food and her attitude towards it!
Listen to this episode for more insight into how you can open up possibilities for yourself…
Food and Lycra was founded six years ago by friends Kim Ngo, Rachel Tran and Laura Lakam which is a food and fitness platform that documented their fitness journey with the aim to help inspire women and girls everywhere to get up and get moving, to break stereotypes of what fitness looked like for women on social media - no matter what their ability and to have fun while doing it.
With a distaste for diets, these girls are passionate about food and fitness with their motto ”we run to eat”. They can be seen traveling all over the globe doing events where they are moving their bodies to promote fitness alongside eating all sorts of decadent foods!
Kim who’s background is in maths and accounting which was her day job until she turned what she loved into her business. Her story is inspiring because she made sacrifices to create and make her everyday life enjoyable, full-filling and lucrative. She is now a PT, Master Trainer at 1Rebel, Nike trainer and inspiring women all over the London and beyond to get off their butts, eat what you want (with a decent lashing of greens) and feel good doing it!
Even though at times through Food & Lycra, they often feel the common “impostor syndrome”, she is positive that this is what makes them and their messages so relatable because they are just like you and me. They are not promoting ‘bikini bodies’, but encouraging people to have fun through movement and enjoying life through different food.
Look at your life, not just your career.
Kim Ngo, Food & Lycra
Think about your next commute: Walk it instead, or get off a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the route.
Use the stairs instead of the lift
Walk’n talk: Suggest that your next work meeting be a walking meeting. Get out of the office, walk outside, walk to a cafe together or if you’re bold go for a running meeting!
Fibre: Leafy greens, which will produce good gut bacteria, like broccoli, kale, morning glory, ocra (ladys fingers) asian greens
Protein: which are muscle builders
Carbs: Don’t cut these out but eat in moderation.
**Drink lots of water! 2 litres. More if you are hot and working out. Especially if you drink a lot of coffee! (Hydrate before caffeinate)
Kim on changing your attitude and perception around food and exercise
"Start seeing movement as a reward not a punishment. Changing your mind frame will change your attitude towards exercise and you will likely do more of it!